Examples of Innovation in HealthCare

Dr. Tyler Buckley

March 10, 2023

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Healthcare innovation can be defined as the development of products or services that make it cheaper, easier, and more convenient for people to get treatment. It can also involve the creation of new business models that integrate healthcare activities to create economies of scale.

For ventures that develop new business models, they need to work with insurance companies in advance of a launch to ensure that the product or service is eligible for reimbursement. This often requires a lengthy process of approval and negotiation with powerful intermediaries such as group purchasing organizations, or GPOs.


Drones are becoming an important tool in medical care, as they can deliver medications to patients, scan tumors, and perform 3D biopsies. They can also be used for telemedicine and virtual healthcare.

Drone-powered delivery networks can help speed up deliveries between hospitals and clinical laboratories, saving significant time, money, and effort in logistics. This technology also decreases the risk of viral transmission, which can be a major factor in transporting blood and other medical supplies.

One example of the potential applications of drones in health care is the delivery of small medical devices, like automatic external defibrillators (AEDs). They are often time- and temperature-sensitive and must be delivered to the hospital as quickly as possible.

3D Models

A 3D model is a digital representation of a physical body that is created using computer-aided design (CAD). It is often used for training purposes and is an effective way to teach students about anatomical and biological structures.

Anatomical models help medical professionals prepare for surgery by providing detailed representations of the patient’s organs. This helps surgeons practice complex operations prior to going into the operating room and improves surgery outcomes for patients.

These models can also be used to test new surgical practices. For example, the Intermountain Medical Center Urological Institute has developed a model of a patient’s malignant kidney that doctors can use to plan surgeries.

These models can be printed from scans or MRIs and can provide realistic simulations of how a patient’s organs will look during a specific procedure. This is an innovative approach that saves time, decreases risks, and improves outcomes for patients. It is one of many examples of how innovation in health care can change the way people experience the healthcare system.

Virtual reality training

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) training is a great way to provide hands-on experience with medical equipment and practice complex surgical procedures. It’s a cost-effective way to train students and nurses without the need for cadavers or live patients.

It’s also an effective tool for enhancing physical rehabilitation, as it can replicate precise movements and increase motivation. VR therapists can adjust all settings to adapt to individual needs, as well as track patient progress over time.

VR is also a valuable tool for training new employees and building their confidence. By creating specially formulated scenarios, employees can assess their decision-making and build their skill sets in a safe environment.

Patient Engagement

Patient engagement is an example of innovation in health care that aims to make patients active participants in their health. Ultimately, patient engagement helps to improve the quality of healthcare and patient outcomes.

Patient-centered shared decision-making is one way of achieving this, and it has been shown to increase patient satisfaction, reduce healthcare costs, and increase the likelihood of patient compliance with treatments and procedures. But patient-centered engagement can only be successful if patients are committed to it.

As public policymakers and insurance companies increasingly recognize the importance of patient engagement, healthcare organizations are making it a priority to deliver this service. This includes providing multiple communication channels, such as email, text, and phone calls, and making it easy for patients to schedule appointments online. It also involves automating reminders and surveys, which can help reduce no-show rates, which are costly for providers across many departments.